
The CSTT Launches a Digital Platform

CSTT has partnered with Building People to launch the largest curated library of digital industry content for schools.

The Chartered Surveyors Training Trust (CSTT) has today launched its new digital library for schools and educators, as part of the partnership with Building People.

We aim to cast a net into schools, with the help of employers and partners in the sector, that will awaken an interest and understanding in young people that the Built Environment where most of us live, work, play and learn is shaped by people like them. Many of the existing schools programmes target individual schools with intensive workshops and seminars which are very effective at reaching small numbers of students. We aim to establish an industrial scale programme that opens the eyes of young people to the well paid and rewarding careers to be had when they choose to be part of shaping the built environment that we all rely on, where most of us live, work, play and learn.

It also accounts for 40% of our country’s carbon footprint, and affects our health, well being and sense of belonging, so it is vital they help get it right for the future.

Terry Watts, CEO of CSTT, commented, “The CSTT has long championed the opportunities for people in the surveying profession. The launch of this site heralds a new era for CSTT and provides a platform, based on Building People, that we will use to tackle the poor image with new entrants based on a historical mis-understanding of what the profession does.

Our aim is that CSTT will become one of the sites people interested in the profession come to as we lift the veil on the highly skilled and professional roles surveyors and others play in creating the built environment for everyone.

We will continue to help those in need of some extra support and encourage employers to get behind our collaborative, far reaching initiatives to drive a step change in the way our industry is viewed by tomorrows’ workforce.”

For more information on the CSTT email or if you’d like your school to become a part of the pilot for this academic year register at 

The CSTT website is powered by Building People.

09/12/2019 13:14:00
